We design and build bicycles in the South West of England, just outside Bristol.
Every bike is individual, each steel frame fashioned by hand, each weld unique and good function guaranteed
we are challenging the established notions of what’s possible by bike.
Nice people building good bikes.
The frustrations of a waking hour, the bits and bobs in-between, melodious distractions and thumb sore working on which we’re not always so keen. The month is full of days, or so we thought, myriad deadlines extend themselves, mind map pocked and so weekend calendar dates wiped clean. pencil marked notepads darken with smudged lead, plans of this and changes of that, projects alive and some possibly maybe not quite dead. As the teatime table now floods with light and winter incandescent unswitched, the future looks up and the future is bright…behemoth thinking grinds slowly on whilst fairy thoughts bring smaller brainwaves to skip, leap and attain flight. The family of kin and our Rodford massive are distinct, love to both with time more to flesh and skin, thoughts abound and thankful for the patience pulled tight, we put our faces to the sun, breath in and ponder the gravity of ‘might’. The dream lives within these waking hours, sometimes within the crafty turnings of the night, still working with our natures, for another cycle to take flight.
All by stevebod